

There are many 144000 interstellar souls from the Pleiades. During the reincarnation on the surface over the past 25,000 years, they anchored the sacred blueprint for the earth.

The divine light of the Pleiades is from Atlantis. This type of civilization is as follows:

1. Linking the energy of the planet with the energy of the 
    population on the planet so that the collective 
    consciousness can create a paradise

2. Combining the nature with advanced energy technologies 
     to make the energy of nature and all beings always in a 
     extremely harmonic and wonderful status

3. Developing advanced planetary constant temperature 
    system to make the planet always be pleasant and 
    comfortable all year round

4. Building a civilized tribe and architecture community and 
    never affecting nature and its system

5. Linking the collective consciousness with the planetary 
    protection network to avoid being interfered by external 
    anomalies and low frequency energy

6. Building a multi-dimensional light transmission, and 
    maintaining a strong connection with the Galactic Center

7. Establishing diplomatic relations with the Central
Civilization and the Galactic Confederation and maintaining
the performance of light grid which represents Pleiades to 
transmit light in this interstellar region

Diplomatic relations between the Central Civilization and the Pleiades have been a long time. Before the tragic Galactic Wars were broke out in this interstellar region, the Central Civilizations closely interacted with the Pleiadians and spread the essence of the Atlantis civilization in this interstellar region. And they "replicated" the Pleiades Atlantis civilization to the earlier earth that had not experienced the Galactic Wars (dark invasion).

Both the Central Race and the Pleiadians lived in the continent of Atlantis on the earth. They developed advanced civilization and spirituality with the local population and accelerated Ascension progress once at astonishing speed.

Pleiades is an important guide in the evolution of many planetary civilizations within this region, and also the direct light assistance and participation of the revival of the new Atlantis civilization on Earth.

Pleiadians are a group of light beings full of pure joy, unconditional love, proficient in art and spirituality. They like to gather to chat, create, share, express love, and dance with beauty.

Pleiadians are never willing to participate in any conflicts and violence actively. They believe that it just lead to the worse results. They only agree with love at all times and are willing to solve the problems through peace.

In the life of the Pleiades, in addition to art, love, peace, just a pure liquid light world. Liquid light is a very important technology of the Pleiades civilization, Pleiadians have used this liquid light technology to an amazing extent, they can use liquid light to create the stunning sky art such as the various deformations, shapes, multi-dimensional liquid light illusion, the shape of human being, animals, architecture, large-scale art types, etc. And they can make these liquid light interact with the viewers in real time according to the change of viewers' energy. Different colors and changes of the pattern are generated according to the mood and vibration frequency of the viewer.

In addition to using liquid light in the fields of art, modeling, and architectural decoration, liquid light technology is also used in the daily life, such asusing the clothes with liquid light technology, intelligent transportation, intelligent aircraft, intelligent biological spacecraft, intelligent intercontinental high-speed trains, various small intelligent products (uniforms, space positioning, optical communication devices, personal servers, encrypted communication devices, emergency protection, universal translation).

These technologies had been widely used in the era of the Pleiades Atlantis civilization, and reached the present level through several upgrades of generations. Many large-scale fantasy rainbows in the sky are very likely to be related to the Pleiades spacecraft. Sometimes they can attract people's attention with this way.

Pleiadians want to tell human that people need to use their inner love to heal all the scars after the darkness and evil that ravage this planet are completely removed. Only love can rebuild their homeland. Hatred, estrangement and anger just only let the traumatic earth and humanity be put the worse situation. Human beings learn one thing from the dark history of more than 25,000 years:

Love conquers everything!

Victory of the Light!